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Wednesday, February 19

7:00am CST

01 - Topical Breakfast Tables: Best Practices for Promotion and Tenure Review Lyric BallroomDiana Heiman, MD • Elissa J. Palmer, MD, FAAFP 02 - Topical Breakfast Tables: CBME Transformation: How is it going, what do programs need, and how can departments succeed Lyric BallroomLinda Montgomery, MD, MA, FAAFP 04 - Topical Breakfast Tables: Coaching new clinical faculty members Lyric BallroomSteven Zweig, MD, MSPH 05 - Topical Breakfast Tables: Dyad Leadership Development Lyric BallroomRoger Roper, MBA 06 - Topical Breakfast Tables: ELAM and ELH Lyric BallroomBelinda Vail, MD 07 - Topical Breakfast Tables: Engaging “New Learners”: Philosophy, toolkit, spread model, faculty development, and evaluation Lyric BallroomDaniel Holman, MPH • Jim Pacala, MD, MS • C.J. Peek, PhD 08 - Topical Breakfast Tables: Enhancing Collaboration to Improve Specialty Respect Lyric BallroomJeff Weinfeld, MD, MBI 09 - Topical Breakfast Tables: External Consultations or Review in Departments of Family Medicine Lyric BallroomGabriel Neal • Amanda Weidner, MPH • Peter Catinella, MD, MPH • Valerie Gilchrist, MD • Gurjeet Shokar, MD 10 - Topical Breakfast Tables: Failure as a Catalyst: Learning from Our Mistakes Lyric BallroomJacob Prunuske, MD, MSPH • Julie Phillips, MD, MPH 11 - Topical Breakfast Tables: Harmonizing the Missions by Creating Capacity to Integrate Department Clinicians in Research Lyric BallroomRichelle Koopman, MD • Belinda Vail, MD • Kevin Everett, PhD • Sarah Kessler, PhD, MPH 12 - Topical Breakfast Tables: Hurricane Helene and Family Physicians on an Urban Search and Rescue Team Lyric BallroomNovneet Sahu, MD, MPA 13 - Topical Breakfast Tables: International Medical Graduates and the Family Medicine Workforce – An Opportunity? Lyric BallroomSarah Creef Baugher • Brian Halstater, MD 14 - Topical Breakfast Tables: LBGTQ+ Health Under Threat Lyric BallroomElisabeth Wilson, MD, MPH, MS-HPEd 15 - Topical Breakfast Tables: Making Morbidity and Mortality Meetings More Meaningful—a Focus on Implementing Continuous Quality Improvement Lyric BallroomG. Anthony Wilson MD, FAAFP • Shaunta' Chamberlin, PharmD 16 - Topical Breakfast Tables: Navigating the exit: A conversation for family medicine chairs transitioning out of the role Lyric BallroomTochi Iroku-Malize MD MPH MBA FAAFP • Myra Muramoto, MD • Gurjeet Shokar, MD • Belinda Vail, MD • Peter Catinella, MD, MPH 17 - Topical Breakfast Tables: Street Medicine Lyric BallroomTaylor Hooks, MBA 18 - Topical Breakfast Tables: The Research Directors’ Roundtable Lyric BallroomMing Tai-Seale, PhD, MPH 19 - Topical Breakfast Tables: Trusting AI with the pen: a leap of faith? Lyric BallroomRich Lord, MD • Anna Ramanathan 20 - Topical Breakfast Tables: Updates in Addiction Medicine Lyric BallroomAmanda Williams, MS, FACHE • Richard Wender, MD 21 - Topical Breakfast Tables: Vertical Integration of Educational Oversight by Utilizing a Medical Education Manager Lyric BallroomJustin Atkisson, MHA 22 - Topical Breakfast Tables: What Will Primary Care Look Like in 2035? Lyric BallroomTimothy Hoff, PhD 23 - Topical Breakfast Tables: Strategies for improving health equity and belonging in challenging environments Lyric BallroomEbony C. Parker-Featherstone, MD • José E. Rodríguez, MD • Cleveland Piggott, MD, MPH 24 - Topical Breakfast Tables: Advocacy for Primary Care Payment Reform Lyric BallroomWayne Altman, MD
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